What's the story?
Meredith's been abducted at Cape Town airport.
The Captain and Merry continued with their romance, but fell out when they reached Cape Town because the Captain was trying to control her lifestyle and her friendships. Merry went ashore with Sukey to collect Kate from the airport, but the three girls were kidnapped on their way back to the ship.
Who are the kidnappers and what do they want? Who's going to rescue Merry now that she's in the power of the kidnappers? Do the South African police have the will and the resources to pursue her case?
Can the Captain come to her rescue? What can he do, tied as he is to his duty as Ship's Master of the "MV Albion"?
This is the story of a young woman coming to terms with her past and seeking the happiness all women deserve. Merry will find her Happy Ever After at the end of Safe Harbor at Last.
This compilation includes: Taken at Riptide, Rogue Wave and Safe Harbor at Last. The first four books in the series, The Captain's Girl, Perilous Seas, High and Dry and Deep Blue Sea are available in Love the Captain : 1. (The love scenes in this book make it suitable for 18+.)